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The articles of the latest issue are already available for download. In this issue, readers will find important contributions on information systems project management mentoring, digital transformation projects, blockchain adoption, and teamwork in virtual project teams.


IJISPM's acceptance rate

The journal's acceptance rate for 2024 was 5%. Unfortunately, many submitted papers are desk rejected. So, we kindly ask the author/s to carefully review their articles before submission and strictly follow the journal's guidelines.


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A new template is available for download. After volume 12, all the articles will be based on this template.


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    Current issue

  • Mentoring adoption across the information systems project management process: Perceptions of IS project managers
    Felix B Tan, Paul TM Leong
    • To-date, there appears to be a dearth of information systems (IS) project management mentoring research relating to mentoring practices across the IS project management process. This study contributes to our understanding of the nature of mentoring practices in IS projects. Practicing IS project managers in multinational companies were asked about their mentoring experiences. Findings were based on data collected via a web-based descriptive survey. Four key observations were noted. Mentoring practice adoption was perceived as positive. Practicing IS project managers were cognizant of the benefits that can accrue from mentoring adoption. The drive for project success was a key motivation. Adoption was more expedient and forthcoming in an informal relationship situation. Overall, mentoring was perceived to enhance IS project management practice. The paper concludes by providing some directions for future research


  • A structured taxonomy for effective digital transformation project implementation: Development, validation, and practical insights
    Rahnuma Tarannum, Bertha Joseph Ngereja, Bassam Hussein
    • The aim of this study was to develop and validate a taxonomy designed to assist organizations in formulating their Digital Transformation Project implementation strategies. In creating this taxonomy, we sought to blend both conceptual frameworks and empirical data. The initial phase involved a scoping review that synthesized existing literature to lay the foundation for the taxonomy. Subsequently, we aimed to validate the taxonomy by gathering feedback from industry experts in Germany using a closed card sorting technique, complemented by case study analysis. This structured compilation of information regarding implementation strategies, presented through the taxonomy, simplifies the process for practitioners. Such a taxonomy enables practitioners to adopt a standardized vocabulary, which supports decision-making, encourages learning from previous successes and challenges, and facilitates the application of these lessons to their projects. Additionally, we have included practical case scenarios within the taxonomy, offering guidance for organizations on leveraging it in the execution of digital transformation projects.


  • Blockchain adoption factors
    Carlos Bernardino, Francisco Cesário, Carlos J. Costa, Manuela Aparicio, João Tiago Aparicio
    • Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that promises transformative changes across various sectors, yet its adoption and integrations in small and medium-sized organizations remain limited. This study investigates the factors that influence the adoption of blockchain technology, emphasizing the significance of Trust and Security as key moderators. Using a questionnaire distributed to a diverse group of employees and analyzing responses through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS), we constructed a predictive model of blockchain adoption. Our analysis reveals that Performance Expectancy and Social Influence positively affect the intention to adopt blockchain, indicating that perceived effectiveness and peer support drive adoption. Trust significantly enhances this intention, underscoring the importance of confidence in the technology's reliability and security. Environmental Concerns present a barrier, suggesting sustainability perceptions can deter adoption. This study conclusively demonstrates that promoting trust, addressing environmental sustainability, and leveraging social influence are pivotal for accelerating blockchain adoption in small and medium-sized organizations.


  • Measuring and predicting teamwork quality in virtual project teams
    Markus Behn, Gilbert Silvius
    • More and more members of project organizations collaborate in virtual teams. Due to globalization and more recently driven by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of virtual project team members grew significantly, and many leaders look for key factors which allow virtual teams to reach a higher level of Teamwork Quality. This article summarizes previous investigations to develop a measuring instrument for both Teamwork Quality and potential predictors. Based on a literature review a conceptual model with 30 salient items measuring ten latent predictors as well as one latent concept for Teamwork Quality has been developed and transformed into a survey. The questionnaire was shared online and completed by 211 members of virtual project teams. Afterwards an Explorative Factor Analysis as well as a Reliability Analysis have been performed to explore the structure of the items. The result suggested one dependent measure for Teamwork Quality in virtual project teams and three latent predictors. These factors have been included into a Structural Equation Model and have been supported by a Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The steps described led to three factors (Personal Commitment, Team Balance & Mutual Support, Result Orientation) that have an influence on the latent variable “Willingness to succeed”.



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