

International Journal of Information systems and Project Management

Review & publication process

The IJISPM publishes carefully selected articles based on double-blind reviews covering information systems management and project management topics. IJISPM also publishes viewpoint articles by invitation of the Editorial Board, which are dedicated to opinions and views pertaining to issues of broad interest to the information systems and project management community.

On average, the journal seeks to complete evaluations and decisions on each submission within 60 days from the original date of submission of an article. If the article's revision is recommended, authors are asked to complete their work and resubmit their article within one month. Overall, the journal's goal is to complete publication decisions within three to six months from the original submission of an article.

Upon submission, the article undergoes a preliminary review by the editors. The result of this initial review can be:

  • Send out for review
    • If the article meets the IJISPM submission guidelines and editorial objectives, it will be sent to at least two reviewers. Reviewers will comment and recommend the acceptance or rejection of the article.
  • Return without review (desk rejected)
    • If the article is not suitable for the journal (e.g., the article is out of scope or has significant issues) or has grammar or syntax problems, it will not be subject to peer review, and the decision will be announced to the authors.

Having passed the preliminary review, the article is sent for review, resulting in one of the following decisions:

  • Accepted as is (present form)
    • When at least two reviewers are in agreement that the article complies with the requirements for publication in its present form, the corresponding author will receive an acceptance letter and a copyright form to sign and return. The article will go then to final editing. Next, proofs are sent to the corresponding author. They must be carefully checked and returned within five days of receipt.
  • Revision required
    • When the reviewers decide that the article is not ready for publication and needs revision, the editor will send the decision to the corresponding author. If the authors agree to make the required changes, after doing it, they should resubmit the article for a new evaluation.
  • Declined final
    • When at least two reviewers are in agreement that the article is inappropriate for publication, no revisions will be requested for further consideration, and the author will be notified.

Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a copyright form.

The journal is Open Access and there are no publication costs (A.P.C.).

Guidelines for submissions

All articles submitted for consideration should carefully meet the journal's guidelines.

Articles must be written in clear and concise English (UK or US, but consistently) and be carefully proofread before submission.
The Editors reserve the right to adjust the style to standards of uniformity.

Files should be provided in MS Word format (.docx) and should be formatted for direct printing using the template provided.

Figures and tables should be embedded in the main document and not supplied separately.

Articles should be 6000-10000 words long, including figures and tables (please consider that each figure/table corresponds to about 300 words).

Some important aspects for the acceptance of the article:

  • Is the article prepared and formatted according to the journal guidelines?
  • Are the article objectives and/or research questions clear and objective?
  • Are the relevant concepts for the work understanding clearly identified and defined?
  • Does the work improve the understanding of a specific subject?
  • Does the article contain an appropriate number of references?
  • Are the used approaches, methods, procedures, etc., appropriate regarding the objectives and the research questions?
  • Are the major conclusions well justified?
  • Does the article make a new and meaningful contribution to the existing literature in terms of theory or practice?
  • Has the author given proper citation to the sources used?

Authors are expected to describe the knowledge and foundations underlying their research, as well to demonstrate why and how the results presented in their article are relevant. The demonstration of the value-added is crucial to acceptance for publication.

For detailed guidelines, please download the template.

Please submit your article here.

Article template

Before preparing your article, please carefully read the journal's guidelines and the review and publication process.

Please download the template here.

Submit an article

Before submitting an article, please carefully read the journal's guidelines and the review and publication process.

Please submit your article here.